Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Construction and Safety Building Related Tips


• Tools and MachineryEnsure all equipment is in good working order with no unregistered modifications. Higher rated power tools should be fitted with appropriate cut off switches, and staff should have appropriate power tool training where needed.
• Dust, Noise & Vibration When doing any work that involves excessive dust, noise or vibration make sure that you have the correct safety equipment. That includes breathing masks, ear muffs and gloves.
• Electricity All energy installations must be correctly labelled and checked by professionals, with all cabling being routed sensibly. If any cabling is damaged accidentally ensure that it is dealt with quickly by professionals.
• Slips & Trips Your site must be kept tidy at all times, with any waste being removed to a dedicated area on a regular basis during work. Battery powered tools are a great way of reducing cabling.
• Vehicles Monitor all arrivals of materials from large haulage vehicles and vans to ensure absolute safety to pedestrians and workers on the construction site. People can be hit or crushed by loads or the vehicles themselves so extra caution must be taken.
• Falling objectsMake sure any scaffolding you have on site is fitted by a professional contractors with a good track record for safety. Ensure boarding, brick guards and object nets are fitted, along with hand rails at levels higher than 1 meter.
• Storage Stacking of any construction materials must be done safely in a sensible area, within the work site. Materials stored on public walkways are a liability, so if you must do so during a delivery, ensure the goods are moved onto site as soon as possible. Flammable materials should be stored separately in appropriate containers.
• Digging and Excavation When large excavations are exposed they are a danger for people on site. Ensure they are properly covered when not in use, avoiding the storage of any materials around the edge of the excavation.The above construction site safety tips may seem obvious, but covering the simplest dangers avoids any potential accidents. The safety of your workers must be a priority, and if you’re too busy to delegate properly, ensure someone is in charge of the safety and well being of your workers on site.


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• Importance of maintaining safety at construction places

Are you planning to start the construction of your dream home soon? Well, that is great news indeed. Everyone wants to give shape to their dreams in the form of their dream abode and taking care of the minute details of the construction of your dream home will truly be one of the best experiences of your life. However, you also need to keep in mind that construction, no matter on whatever scale it is, is a massive task and the construction site will consist of laborers, huge quantity of building materials and a lot of heavy machinery. Therefore, it is important that you take a few precautionary measures at the construction site.One of the best ways to ensure that your home is constructed safely sans any accident you will have to make sure that you hire a builder who is properly licensed and registered. A licensed and established building firm offers proper training to its laborers to ensure that they are well equipped to handle all the heavy machineries and are also aware of the basic safety tips. Make sure that the firm strictly follows the OSHA rules during the installation of protective screens or guard rails. While the workers need to climb heights for the purpose of construction, it is always advisable to have a bet beneath.

A lot of building materials are toxic and therefore it is very important to make sure that these materials are safeguarded properly. In fact, not only does the improper safeguarding of materials weaken the base of the construction it also endangers the life of the people who are working at the site and are in its close proximity. While constructing a building, workers might need to enter a tunnel where at times they might be exposed to lead. It is important to check the blood levels of the workers before they are allowed to enter such places.

• Ensuring Safety at Construction Sites

Construction sites could often prove dangerous to workers and non-workers. For the same reason various regulations are in place to ensure that safety norms are practices at construction sites. The lives of workers are often at risk at construction sites, and a single slip-up could be fatal. Most construction sites have a temporary fencing that prevents non-workers to approach risky construction area due to dangerous equipment being operated or transfer of materials, excavations etc.

There are many rules in place to ensure workers are safeguarded from dust, dangerous fumes and other construction material in the air that could cause harm to the workers and people in the nearby area. Excavations are usually covered when no work is going on and there should be clear sign boards to prevent people fast delivery to go anywhere near them. Also roof edge protection is done to ensure that workers don’t fall of the edges of roofs and ceilings of commercial buildings under construction.

• Construction Safety

Construction Safety can be in the form manuals which offer guidance to any contractor out there. These manuals provide detailed information to help contractors when performing their jobs. To get yourself a copy, be sure to locate a well known provider who has been in the industry of construction safety manuals for 2 or more years. An example of such a safety manual company is the Omni Safety services. This company has been producing custom written manuals since 1990 and is continuing to gain popularity over time. Other than that, it has industrial construction, real world residential and commercial experience which has helped them in their manual production.Before these manuals were in use, many workers were getting injured in more than one occasion. However, this is a thing of the past and workers out there can do their jobs without fear of any sort. Construction manuals should also conform to the standards laid down by the respective body.

• Construction Site Safety Tips

Construction of any office is a very big task as it involves more of labor work. Certain safety measures should be taken to avoid any damage to the construction site and the workers. Many workers have lost their life in the past due to careless during work. Hence it very important to appoint experienced and well trained persons for working. It is always better to inspect the ladders and scaffolds before work. It is advisable to follow the rules and regulations while installing guard rails in the office.During the process of construction all the toxic materials should be safe guarded properly to avoid any damage. Most of the workers  are exposed to toxic materials such as lead, asbestos and dusts which may cause serious health hazards in the body. The workers need to undergo medical checkups often to ensure that they are healthy and safe. In order to avoid damage the workers should wear protective gear while working in the construction site for safety purposes.

• Home Construction Safety Tips

Whether you are considering a new construction or a renovation or expansion in your house, unforeseen accidents are just unavoidable and that is why, safety is the factor that should be given utmost importance. Extension ladders should be used with all the safety measures and with proper proportions suggested for using them. While using a circular saw, make sure to check the cord and the plug, any missing connectors, blade, missing teeth and missing carbides.Make sure to keep first aid kid near the construction site and keep the emergency numbers of police, ambulance and poison control ready at hand. A good quality fire extinguisher should also be ready to work in case it is required. All the chemical and poisonous solvents should be kept away from easy reach and gasoline should not be stored indoors. While using power tools such as lawn mowers and tractor mowers, make sure not to wear loose clothes because they may get caught in the machine.
